SPIDA® Software Announces the v7.0 Jumper Release of SPIDAcalc Software

SPIDA Software 2018-03-13 00:00:00

SPIDA Software, the industry leader in structural analysis and asset management software for utilities and their contractors, has announced the availability of SPIDAcalc – v7.0 Jumper software. The next generation of SPIDAcalc showcases an all-new user interface and extensive new features, designed to vastly improve overall customer usability and increase productivity.

The development of SPIDAcalc Jumper focused heavily on improving user experience and making the software more intuitive. Inspired by feedback gained from existing clients, SPIDAcalc boasts a configurable layout, allowing users to tailor the software to their individual needs.

With leadership roots in both the engineering and utility industries, SPIDA Software took a unique approach to the development of SPIDAcalc Jumper. In addition to the complete user interface redesign, SPIDA’s engineering team developed new features designed to tackle the complex challenges of utility life.

“SPIDAcalc Jumper is the culmination of over 2-years of research and development. We have invested significant resources to drastically enhance the capabilities of SPIDAcalc while simultaneously improving user experience,” said Brett Willitt, Vice President of SPIDA Software. “Users of SPIDAcalc Jumper will benefit from an increase in efficiency, productivity, and usability when designing and analyzing their poles. The next generation of SPIDAcalc is unprecedented and will revolutionize pole loading.”

SPIDAcalc Jumper introduces lead and wire connectivity to the pole loading community, shattering an industry norm by eliminating the repetitive modeling of individual structures. A connected environment provides greater efficiency by allowing users to create, add, and modify an entire pole line with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Additionally, SPIDA has redesigned and expanded the use of Assemblies throughout the application. In SPIDAcalc Jumper, assemblies are now prominently featured and conveniently incorporated in the interface, providing users with a variety of benefits, including:

  • Assemblies can be added to one pole or across an entire lead at the same time, exponentially reducing the time to design pole lines
  • Intelligent framing allows users to quickly change out applied framings on a pole when modifying an existing design
  • Users can add assemblies from their client file, or create and store their own local library
  • Multiple assemblies can be stacked on the same pole line to easily model multi-circuit construction

Utilizing leading-edge technology and knowledge of utility practices, SPIDAcalc Jumper makes it easier than ever for users to intuitively design and analyze their poles. Key highlights include:

  • Updated layout including configurable workspaces
  • Workspaces can be extended over multiple monitors
  • The ability to edit design in the 3D View
  • Redesigned Graphic and Table Views
  • Ability to design in the Map View with drag and drop functionality
  • Zooming capabilities while in the Graphic View, including photos

Built on its industry-leading geometric nonlinear calculation engine for pole loading, pole strength, and guying analysis, SPIDAcalc Jumper features a redesigned Analysis View offering:

  • New Analysis Results Summary and Details Table with larger fonts and clear pass/fail indicators
  • An interactive 3D View of results, including display of wire tension and sags
  • New charts including the introduction of innovative radar charts which provide 360° perspective

SPIDAcalc Jumper is the first-ever structural analysis software to incorporate a cloud-based analysis option. Aimed at increasing productivity, this new analysis option allows users to send designs to the cloud instead of running them locally. Tailored for those users analyzing larger projects or using SPIDAcalc’s robust geometric nonlinear analysis methods, cloud-based analysis drastically reduces the time it takes to analyze a project and lets users continue working in SPIDAcalc while analysis is being performed. Online analysis offers the scalable horsepower to handle the analysis of 1 pole or 100,000 poles in a matter of minutes.

SPIDA Software recognizes that a utility’s success is measured by reducing time spent on projects and increasing productivity. Aging infrastructure, increase regulatory oversight, the explosion of broadband deployments, and limited personnel resources have forced utilities to reevaluate current processes and look for innovative solutions. SPIDAcalc Jumper empowers utility organizations and their contractors to be more effective and efficient in their pole loading analysis.

To obtain a copy of the official SPIDAcalc – v7.0 Jumper release notes, please contact our Support Team by visiting the SPIDA website at www.spidasoftware.com/contact.

About SPIDA Software
Serving electric and telecommunication utilities since 2007, SPIDA Software’s cost-effective Structure Management System is a unique platform developed to encourage users to go beyond pole loading. The SMS platform includes SPIDAcalc, the industry’s leading structural analysis software, and SPIDAstudio, the first-ever scalable, on-demand platform for the oversight of activity, analysis, and management of asset structural health. SPIDA Software’s solutions are developed and supported by a knowledgeable, passionate staff with extensive industry experience.

Additional Resources
SPIDA Software: https://www.spidasoftware.com/
SPIDAcalc: https://www.spidasoftware.com/solutions/calc
SPIDAcalc – v7.0 Jumper: https://www.spidasoftware.com/solutions/calc/launch
SPIDAcalc Overview: https://www.spidasoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/SPIDAcalc.pdf

For More Information Contact
SPIDA Software
560 Officenter Place
Gahanna, OH
USA, 43230


Tel: (614) 470-9882
Email: info@spidasoftware.com

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