Stay Within Environmental Compliance Using a Reliable Oil Containment Solution

Oil Blocker Barrier Boom is designed to help clients meet federal SPCC regulations of secondary containment, for a fraction of the cost of alternative methods. Oil Blocker Barrier Boom is an excellent, affordable barrier option for sub-grade soils like clay. For sandy soils, we offer and recommend Oil Blocker Plus
Oil Blocker Barrier Boom allows water to pass through its walls, but traps and locks in hydrocarbons on contact; keeping the oil leak contained, until the incident can be responded to. Oil Blocker Barrier Boom is installed vertically and uses the same design concept and quality geotextile fabric materials as the innovative SorbWeb Plus oil containment system
Oil Blocker Barrier Boom is
- Ideal for substation perimeters to keep oil within the property
- In ditches or around small oil-filled transformers/equipment
- Impermeable subsoil conditions
- In oil storage areas and under oil-filled containers as oil blankets
Benefits & Features
- Effective 24/7 spill and leak protection - Proven effective by numerous installations across North America
- Virtually Maintenance-Free - High flow rate means no standing water to deal with
- Budget-Friendly - Our large manufacturing capabilities allow us to offer Oil Blocker at a significantly lower price than similar products in the market
- Flexible Design -Can be installed around a substation fence or individual oil-filled equipment
- Customized - Custom cut to the width required, sizing and grommet insertion if needed
- Easy to Install - Installation can be completed in one day. Oil Blocker is installed in brownfield or greenfield projects without service interruption
- No Minimum Order Required - Our facility produces rolls that are 105 feet (32 m) long by 15 feet (4.72 m) wide (ARL) - cut in width to suit
Join us at IEEE 2022, booth # 5618

Albarrie GeoComposites
Carla Smiderle
Tel: 705-241-7965